After some light cruising in the Tuamotus (rat heaven on earth), we have arrived in the Marquises, land of the cannibals, where mana flows like blood. Now that I have set you in a mood of despair, let me say that we had a wonderfully and uneventful Thanksgiving (without coconuts, but the pie made up for their absence)remember I'm a pieRat, with a French guy (single-handers are always hungry, the expression on his face when we explained the holiday was priceless "just food and thanks?!" That's it! No other strings attached to Captain Fraingck's favorite holiday). Then we sailed to the Island of Tahuata (again - 18 months later). We are anchored by a town of Catholics with a church funded by the big P himself. Tahuatans are also the first in the Marquises to become Catholic, and the area is safe from cannibals.
In other news, I have discovered that Captain Fraingck is not getting a lion, but that the school representative, Leo is coming and after my momentary relief, I remembered that she's the lady with the rat dog! My trap has to be reconfigured.
Scurvy Deckpaw.