So I took capt'n Fraingck's "sailor" comment as an invitation and after much thought, asked if I could sign on as official crew. He agreed but as crew I had to sign the articles.
They read:
-One shall obey commands from the captain and all superiors promptly and with enthusiasm.(everybody in my case)
-One shall always wear his harness on deck (a harness was made to fit me. I don't like the crotch strap but I wear it)
-One shall not dance on the galley counter and always wash hands and feet before using the galley.(I think he made that one up for me)
-One shall eat what is served, all of it, and no rummaging in the cupboards at midnight.(I asked Kennan and he said he had to sign that one too. there might be some bargaining to do with him there?)
-One shall sleep in his own bunk and not on the Capt'n's face, First Mate excepted.(fair enough)
-One shall sit down when using the head at sea.(Capt'n Fraingck agreed to take the lid off the toilet so I wouldn't get slammed in anymore.)
-For a salary of 1/1,000,000 of a share. (one millionth that's not very generous, but it's a non-profit anyway so it doesn't really matter, probably just covering his butt if he ever does make any money)
I dipped my right hand in the squid ink and applied my signature at the bottom of the articles. They even gave me a watch cap, foulies made of a surgical glove, and a blanket for my bunk, I have to make my own woolies though. I now have the title of Scurvy the Swab. Sounds great eh! Basically, I'm a deckpaw.
-Scury Swab-
P.S. We are heading for French Polynesia, the coconut islands. I can already smell the sweet aroma of copra drying on the rack.
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