Wednesday, April 20, 2011


Postdated: April 1, 2011

After a long season of epic adventures in New Zealand, we're underway again. I kept a diary, but right now it reads like one long chase scene with a couple cataclysmic events. The short version is kiwis are a tough bunch and they do not like rats! I've decided someone on board needs to make some money for Silver Lining Academy, so I plan to send inquiries to editors for publishing rights to my story.

Back onboard and underway, "Mbunay" that is how we pronounce the name of this cyclone that was charging toward us and Capt'n Fraingck ordered course to be made for Akaroa. Just as we were in view of the entrance light, I could smell the French baguettes, the croissants au beurre, the pain au chocolat...Capt'n Fraingck changed his mind and set course due east. Away from the old French colonial town, away from the bakery, toward the windy Chathams. At two in the morning Fapt'n Craingck sent me on the bow with a gaffe with orders to keep an eye on the date line and make sure to push it under, thus the gaffe. Latitude 45 degrees 30'S, Longitude 180 degrees 00'E?W?, with southwest winds at thirty knots, we were plowing thru the frigid sea, the mollywawks making fun of me all the way. "Practical joke," I never saw the dammed line. Capt'n. Fraingck cackled from the cockpit, "Poisson d'avril!" Then he tossed a sardine right in my face. That had the mollymawks rolling on the water (ROTWLOL). Real funny French tradition, throwing fish at fools on April 1. The sardine wasn't bad, didn't taste like poison at all. At daylight I was sent to bed shivering.

As soon as we reach the Chathams I'm jumping ship.


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