Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Two Years Before the Mast (read Richard Henry Dana)

Yep, like Mr Dana, I did it too. Capt'n Fraingck may not be as mean as the capt'n of the Pilgrim was, but he is no frangipani either. He has his moods, and loves to sail with all canvas up. We sailed 18,000 miles in those two years. Long Wake Silver deserves her nickname.

Last night we were playing cards with the boys. It was a fun game of UNO, mostly for Wonderbread who was raking in the chips like a pro from the Cunard ship line. Then Capt'n Fraingck caught him with a piece of a card stuck in his mandibles. SPLAT!!! My friend Wonderbread was crushed flat in the palm of Capt'n Fraingck right hand. The boss lifted his hand, and Wonderbread was stuck to it, a goopy mess of red backed card oozing out of his abdomen and a piece of a card sticking out of his crushed skull. "Cheater" said capt'n Fraingck wiping his hand off on his engine room rag.

After that I started to loose big time. You never saw a rat losing so fast. My tab is down to minus 36,000 francs. Now Capt'n Fraingck has been super nice to me and in recognition of my long term effort supporting the good moral of the crew, and doing chores without too much shouting about; he released me from the brig, and promoted me to Able Sea Shipmate. Now I can say I'm an A.S.S.

Oh cats! Old Fraingck really nailed me this time.

Scurvy, Able Sea-rat

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