Friday, May 27, 2011

Coconuts Finally!

So the other day we arrived at Raivavae and -finally- I found coconuts. I was excited but when we got ashore I found that they were all green, that's fine if you're thirsty, but there's no crunchy chewy tasty meat in them. After a week, we sailed around the island and anchored off a smaller island. I went ashore with Logan in a kayak but we both had the uncomfortable feeling of being watched and we left quickly. The next day, the captain started an expedition to find meaty coconuts, and of course I came along. When we landed on the same beach Logan and I had visited, we found the thing that was watching us...a goat! Complete with a pair of curly horns and a beard. Captn Fraingck told us that goats could be malicious creatures, and to watch our backs, but in my excitement to lay tooth into juicy white coconut meat, I ignored his advice. I jumped up onto a branch and started looking up for a tree with yellower browner nuts, when BAM I was flying towards the nearest fronds, it actually felt like the tree was falling towards me. I'd been hit smack in the butt by the goat's bent horns and was sent flying past the perfect coconut, halfway across the small island. The crew had hiked around the island to try to find an easier tree to climb, I landed next to them. Captn Fraingck scolded me for being so slow, and then sent me up another tree to pick my portion. I got Kennan to help me carry them back (he's not so wild about coconuts, so his "portion" consisted of one mini coconut). We later learned that there was supposed to be a tupapau (Tahitian for ghost) on the island. A ghost of what, a goat? He seemed solid enough to me! Life as crew is hard - hard on your butt.

~scurvy, deckpaw~

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