Monday, May 24, 2010

Scurvy's Aglow

No way was I going to leave board today! We are anchored in the valley of Taipivai. I don't know if you read Herman Melville's Typee? I did! The habitants of this valley are cannibals!
Why should I care, I'm a rat? Better safe than sorry we say. So they went for a stroll in a cannibal infested valley, and they came back smiling. Nothing more. They are cannibals that is the only explanation! After their “walk” they went for dessert on Capaz along with the crew of Totem. Those little towheads must be cannibals too. I climbed up the rig to observe them better and they where all slurping from the same bowl. Yuck!

The sun fell behind the mountain the sky filled with blood. I was scared and lonely up in the rigging. A hatchet of a moon fell behind the mountain and the bay lit-up in a glow. Fluorescent sharks where swimming around the boat. Manta rays swam in spirals, their great wings aglow with every flap. Fish jetted like laser darts away from the giant predators, and after their own prey.
A psychedelic show below me.

I was tripin'!


Friday, May 14, 2010

Alive and Well

I had a great time on Tahuata, very nice people there. I was invited to give a "tooth" to a bunch of local rats at carving a bone. We made a scary sacrificing dagger out of a human femur our friend Pua oviri (wild boar) dug up from the cemetery. it was super scary and we left it on the altar of the Marae in Hapatoni (google it).

After That I got a tattoo bracelet around my tail. I wanted to have something small enough so that my mom wouldn't find out when I got home. This is the first step in my mana acquiring endeavor. Next I'm thinking of a spiral around my belly button. We then went to Nuku Hiva and the kids on board strapped me in a hammock ‘cause the crossing was ruff. I get along good with the two youngsters. We are the three before the mast and no body gives us hell. On board we rule the ship from the forepeak.

In Anaho Bay, the kids had a huge birthday party on the beach - twenty munchkins running around totally gone native. That was cool until they dug up a pit and threw me in there. After that they threw crabs at me. I got pinched a bunch of time but like a gladiator I ruled the ring for a full hour killing sixteen crabs by biting off their abdomens.

At last Logan said it was enough, and took me back on board were he served me a mango.
On our way to Taiohae we where chased by a pod of porpoises and I mooned them from the aft port. That really pissed them off. They where jumping, spy hopping showing their teeth. Nothing they could do. My butt was stuck to the porthole like a periwinkle on the aquarium glass.


Saturday, May 1, 2010

Scurvy on Madeleine

My crew have been spending so much time ashore on Fatu-hiva (ile Madeleine); I had to go check out what's under the cliffs - Back in the trash bag for a trip ashore. This island is covered with fruit trees, and I stuffed myself. From a pamplemousse tree I watched the yachties and locals play a game of extreme frisbee, very entertaining. I woke up under a full moon many noddies flying above the coconut trees. At sunrise lorikeets came squawking in my ears. Up by the cliffs tropic birds were circling. I was in contemplation of this beautiful nature ready to jump ship to live the life of Ratbinson, when I saw the Silver Lining leaving the anchorage.

Panic took me. They had talked of going to the other village on the island in a few days, but only a day had gone by. They sure change their minds fast. I jumped on a goat. Hanging between the horns I rode over the hills jumping over precipices, running along vertical cliff faces. The goat knew the way around the deep valleys and ridges. One ridge was over two thousand feet in the clouds under fern trees before we headed back down thru a forest of mango trees. Finally we found the Silver Lining crew and their friends swimming in a mountain stream. Back safe in the pack I found fresh baguettes limes and guavas, a little disappointing after the pie, but fresh warm baguettes are not bad and I heard Margo say guava has lots of antioxidants; after that sunburn I have to be extra careful.
