Monday, May 24, 2010

Scurvy's Aglow

No way was I going to leave board today! We are anchored in the valley of Taipivai. I don't know if you read Herman Melville's Typee? I did! The habitants of this valley are cannibals!
Why should I care, I'm a rat? Better safe than sorry we say. So they went for a stroll in a cannibal infested valley, and they came back smiling. Nothing more. They are cannibals that is the only explanation! After their “walk” they went for dessert on Capaz along with the crew of Totem. Those little towheads must be cannibals too. I climbed up the rig to observe them better and they where all slurping from the same bowl. Yuck!

The sun fell behind the mountain the sky filled with blood. I was scared and lonely up in the rigging. A hatchet of a moon fell behind the mountain and the bay lit-up in a glow. Fluorescent sharks where swimming around the boat. Manta rays swam in spirals, their great wings aglow with every flap. Fish jetted like laser darts away from the giant predators, and after their own prey.
A psychedelic show below me.

I was tripin'!


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