Saturday, December 25, 2010

Letter to Santa

Dear Santa,
In my family we never celebrated Christmas or anything for that matter, but I hear you give out goodies so I've taken up the tradition.

I also hear that I have to give presents too, but I'm dirt poor and can't afford anything, so if giving presents is a requirement, then I would like to add "presents from scurvy" to my wish-list (but nothing for that tyrannical captain Fraingck! Except maybe kerosine instead of coal - it's more his style). But enough about others, on to my own wish-list. For Christmas I would like a shark proof rat sub, coconut flavored cheddar, a crab basher like a Maori club, and a rat-sized automatic three-shot gas operated speargun.

-Scurvy Rat-


  1. Logan,
    did you get any of those presents? what did you give Scurvy? what a funny story!
    Maya(s/v kamaya)

  2. Dear Maya,
    Logan and Kennan are working the rat sub as I type. I got the coconut flavored cheddar in my stocking. Now the sock smells great. Santa must need a new computer, he sent their presents to the wrong side of the dateline, so their grandma is bringing them in a couple days.

