Tuesday, April 27, 2010


So after a twenty day trip in the bilge and one afternoon at the head of the mast in the spinnaker sock, I was more than ready to jump ship. I sneaked in the trash-bag and made it to shore. There I was soon chased by a tribe of cannibal rats. I found refuge in a coconut tree. The tree had a metal sleeve around the trunk the cannibals couldn't get past it. Since I still had 5200 stuck to my paws from my trip in capt'n Fraingck's trash I had great traction. I made friends with a family of geckos. I ate coconuts and only coconuts for a week. I'm sick of them. I Had to escape my tree life. I saw Margo coming back from town with a heavy back-pack. She left the pack at the foot of my coconut-tree while she took a refreshing shower. I Jumped to the occasion and snuck in her pack. There was a pie in there, yo ho!
-"The pie rat life for me!"

The anchor is being hoisted, gotta go.

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