Thursday, April 1, 2010

I Hate Water

I’ve hated water since I was a little rat. My dad threw me in the Venice canal, “swim or float,” he said. “It's good to know your a floater ! just don't get flushed!” Here it has been flush after flush for days my bladder can't give any more. I can't put my rats nose out on deck I would be swept over the side within seconds, shark bait, what a nightmare. I used to be a beautiful jet black color sun tanning on the roof of my building. These days I spend so much time in the dark bilges, that I'm turning as white as a lab rat. I will soon be glowing in the dark like a freak experiment. I couldn't sleep yesterday afternoon. They went at it for hours with their guitar and ukulele. I tell you what, first chance I get, I'm going to chew the strings short.

The wind is picking up they 're going to have to reduce sails . I hear the skipper swearing. Got to go.

-Scurvy Rat-

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