Thursday, October 14, 2010

Scurvy Bat

Ah! Pago Pago, the half-floating plastic bags (better known as Pago Pago Jellies), and the smell of steamed tuna (or the southwest “Starkist” wind). I was thinking about these things as I crawled up to the cockpit, when a shadow came over me. I looked up to see a silhouette of Logan suspended from a line in his bosuns hair. I called up to him, and asked if I could try. So he rigged something up for me. It took him awhile to secure me to the line and in the end he said, “ That should do it.” And up I went. Swinging in the rigging was lots of fun, in fact, it was so much fun I stayed up there all day. Towards dusk, long after Logan had gone back down, I was still enjoying myself when disaster struck. I felt a jerk and started to fall, “LOOOOOGGGGAAAAAAHHHHH!” This was the end, why did I have to escape in THAT boat all those months ago? Just before I hit the boat, everything went black.

I should clarify that everything went black, not because I was rendered unconscious, but because I was now on the back of a large fruit bat! The bat took me to a big mango tree that had a bunch of bats hanging from it. The tree would probably have been really cool, if I could fly, but as you may have noticed I cannot. They tried to give me pointers about riding air currents and recovering from a stall, but this was all presuming that I had wings and basic training. So towards dawn my savior (a little miffed that I hadn’t learned how to fly) took me back to the boat.


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