Friday, October 29, 2010

Flying Under the Radar

We arrived in New Zealand late at night, and after docking and hot chocolate, everyone went to bed. I wasn’t tired, so I went for a midnight stroll across the quarantine dock. On the way, I saw a sign with a series of animals on it, all with crosses through them. There were mice, ants, dogs, cats, roaches, and (get this!) RATS! So I spent the next hour on the boat with a paper and pencil freezing my tail off trying to figure out a plan. As the night wore on, more and more boats started showing up, and that’s when I made my plan, well more of a scheme really.

The next morning I crawled up to the top of the mast with my bat suit on, and waited. There were sixteen other boats at the quarantine dock, which meant that customs would be in such a hurry to get through all the boats that they would not notice a rat fly past. Everything was going swimmingly until I fell asleep, maybe it was the morning sun, maybe the long crossing, but I dozed off. When I woke up, the customs officer was quickly walking towards Silver Lining, so I awkwardly jumped off tumbling through the air trying to catch the wind (like the bats had explained to me). As I fell, I heard a doppler effect ringtone, and just as I caught the air it stopped. I was gliding in an odd position that I had never been in before but which I will now call “The Air Backstroke.” (any comments for a better name?). From my position you could see he was reading a text message that read, “ Want to do lunch?” I flewunder the radar arch and on to the safety of land.


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