Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Climbing to New Heights

I love backpacks! There are delicious tidbidts and crumbs floating around the bottom, you bounce gently along for awhile, then emerge for some amazing views. The other day, I saw Fraingck filling the backpack with water and snacks, so I hopped in for the ride, but this time when I peaked out, there was no ground beneath me. I think we were on top of the world - a bottomless world - blue above and blue below. And then I saw Silver Lining - a speck in the blue lagoon, and vertigo set in, my knees were a knocking to the rhythm of the tamure drums echoing up from the valley. To make matters worse, birds were flying upside down below us. This is a topsy turvey world riki tiki tea.

On our way home, we came across a hermit crab, climbing, I told him he should trade his shell in for a backpack, but he ignored me and kept climbing. He didn't need smart-aleck advice from a tourist rat. When the rain came down I realized he was looking for higher ground. Still a back pack can get pretty high if you pick the right pack animal. We got soaked alright even in the backpack. And this rain isn't Marquesian jacuzzi temperature, this rain comes straight from the winter slopes of the New Zealand ski resorts. No pineapple express, but a kiwi express. Hand over the sheepskin coat!

-Scurvy Rat

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