Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Scurvy the Duffus

Once one climbs to the searing top of mount Duff he can rightfully claim the title of duffus. I shall now be called Scurvy the Duffus!

Monday morning after a night of squalls, thunder, and wind gusts, Capt'n Fraingck lifted up anchor and headed out. We sailed under Mount Duff and lined up for the north pass. But he chickened out and sailed into a little bay on Taravai north shore. There we spent the most uncomfortable night rolling like pigs in the mud.

On Tuesday Capt'n Fraingck lifted anchor and takes the boat further west zig-zaging between reefs like he knew where he is going. Well, I have to admit the night was not too rolly. The rain kept falling in sheets, in blankets, out of fire hoses, squirting thru the vents on to my bed.

Wednesday morning Capt'n Fraingck lifted anchor again and back tracked to the other side of Taravai. The entrance wasn't well marked. The map said it was too shallow, but Capt'n Fraingck heads strait for the reef. Big badaboum boum boum, we were inside the bay, and we were not going out of this one in a long time. It was high tide, on a gibbous moon, three days from the solstice. I was sure we'd be there till Christmas. We went ashore there were tons of coconuts , bread fruit, bananas and cassava. For the avocados and leachies we'd have to wait for Christmas.

Days passed slowly on Taravai, rain preceded more rain, and again rain, which is all good for the coconut trees. Every trip ashore I brought back a coconut.

Saturday Captain Fraingck lifted anchor and escaped from the reef of Taravai without a bump! Unbelievable, paradise lost! No avocados or leachies for Christmas! I know it's not a pretty sight when rats cry, my bedding will never dry at this rate.

As I type this email Mount Duff has sunk under the horizon and we are heading into an apocalyptic sunset. Echos of a rat's wails sail across the water.


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