Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Motu Logan

The other day Logan packed a bag of stuff like he was going to survive in the wild, and I figured he was going to go to another motu, so I tagged along for the coconuts.
Scurvy Visits Motu Logan

When we got there he started to clear out some of the low hanging fronds while I scurried up the nearest coconut tree to watch the show. After awhile Logan stopped and watched as a bunch of large hermit crabs started lumbering out from under an old frond. He looked across to see the same thing happening to the fronds around us, he looked creeped-out by this but you won't see me get scared by a couple of crustations.

Just as Logan was finishing putting up the hammock the rest of the crew came to check out our motu and then they left. Then we went to get some snails to eat but there were a lot of sharks on the reef so we decided to try to spear something instead. That was when I saw a grouper,I decided that this was my time,this was my opportunity to show Logan that I was good for something other than eating coconuts. I bypassed my urge to stay out of the water and leaped in,the fight was short but tough, I got out of the water with the fish in my jaws. I shook myself off and received Logan's compliments with pleasure. Logan tried catching an octopus but it was obviously more clever than him. I offered to go and get it but he said it could easily pin me under water. It just goes to show you how ignorant HE is.

When we got back Logan tried to start a fire to dry me off and cook the fish but our flint wasn't working so Logan called Captn Fraingck on the hand held radio. Captn Fraingck came with a lighter but it was out of fuel so Captn Fraingck dipped this stringy bark stuff in gasoline from the outboard and tried to light it with that but it wasn't working until...FOOP! I haven't seen gasoline consumed at that rate since I hitched a ride to downtown L.A. on the tail pipe of a Hummer but that's another story.

After dinner I went to my coconut tree and Logan went to his hammock to sleep. A couple hours later I woke up to the thump of a fallen coconut and scurried down my tree in anticipation, when I found my loot I chewed a hole in it and drank the contents. It tasted a bit odd but I'm not one to complain. After that I squeezed inside it and ate the meat. When I was done I poked my head out and saw that the hermit crabs were coming tentatively forward so I decided to high-tail it out of there, but when I tried to get further than my front legs I found I couldn't...that's right I ate so much I could not get past my bloated gut. So I rolled the coconut hole-down and went to sleep.

The first thing I heard the next morning was Logan playing his ukelele. I had a bad hangover,I wondered why. When I tried to get out of my coconut I found I was still stuck. I also found the reason for my illness,the coconut I had was old and fermented. As it hit me, I looked up to see Logan raise a nice green coconut to his lips, it was too much for me and I hurled. Now that most of my insides had left me, I found that I could get out and I crawled next to him as he jovially played his instrument.

"How can you play that thing so happily after such a bad night?",I asked.
He looked at the island before responding,"Sometimes it's good to know you're still alive".

Captn Fraingck came a little bit later and invited us for crepes. We haven't been back to Motu Logan since.


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