Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Surviving a Near Death Experience

When you think you have seen the worst of the sea... think again. The sea is unlimited in it's size, depth, appearances and motions. Who invented the phrase, "The rhythm of the sea." I'll barf in his shoes any day.

"Le mal de mer" is the most horrible condition. You wish you'd die from it!

Ohhh, I so wanted to die, quickly please! But no, I had to live with it like a zombie hurling every last bit of those coconuts. Disconnected, my brain slushed painfully in my skull, leaving me unable to move even a paw to wipe my nose. Living for hours with my tongue out, waiting in pain for my entrails to be expelled from my body. Convulsions sent blood rushing to my head leaving blood shot eyes as the blood-flow retreated. I moaned after each cramp. In its rush to get out first, my posterior (edited) fought other organs unknown to me before that day! "Ohhh please get the h_ _ _ out and let me die!"

In a near coma I laid in the trash can waiting for five days for somebody to dump the trash over-board. No-one was cleaning-up on this rig when the weather was rough. Five days later things calmed down. I was finally able to extract my self from my bath of rancid coconut puke and climb up on deck. We had entered the most magnificent lagoon with colors that made Amanu's pale in comparison. Crowned by a rainbow, I washed off the slime from my black coat. The cool rain dripping from the fisherman sail on my head rejuvenated my wits. At last I was Scurvy again.


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